At 3 years old, Quick Change continues to produce bright, fine fleece that has an incredibly long staple. She has grown- up a lot in the past year becoming much more broad across the chest while still maintaining a balanced frame.Her half-siblings (on the Dam's side) AC Robert Q and ALM Spartan have both done well in the show ring.
Quick Change delivered a beautiful baby boy (her first cria) by ALM Kiss Me Guido on June 29th. We named him AC Quantum Chaos. Chaos is white but has a 3 small brown spots; one on his chin, one on his mid side and one on his chest. He is very nicely put together and we are excited to watch him mature.
Quick Change delivered a lovely white female by Skywalker 2nd in July 2013. She is beautifully put together, very stocky and square with a nice head and lots of coverage. Her fleece is silky fine with some really good character coming in. Since we plan on keeping mom and dad, we are offering her for sale. Don't be fooled, she is one nice little girl with a rare elite lineage.